기사 메일전송
FLIR Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: FLIR) announced today that it has acquired Acyclica, Inc., a leading developer of software for automotive roadway and intersection data generation and analysis.
  • 기사등록 2018-09-13 02:54:15

FLIR Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: FLIR) announced today that it has acquired Acyclica, Inc., a leading developer of software for automotive roadway and intersection data generation and analysis. Acyclica’s solutions provide high-resolution, real-time traffic information to transportation department end-users to make roads safer, reduce congestion, and improve overall efficiency and performance of thoroughfares. 

Based in Denver, Colorado, Acyclica delivers cloud-based analytics of data generated from proprietary technology and from other sensing sources, such as visible and thermal cameras, roadway sensors, radars, and intersection signals. The Acyclica solution is utilized by transportation departments across the globe to get a clear, accurate, and actionable view of their roadway infrastructure to improve traffic flow and safety. Acyclica’s APIs allow for easy integration into third-party Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) systems, including FLIR ITS cameras, which are currently offered with Acyclica technology on board. 

“Acquiring Acyclica is a key step for our ITS business in that it adds a new sensing platform and a data analytics software element to our mission to provide complete and valuable traffic optimization solutions for our global transportation system customers,” said James Cannon, President and CEO of FLIR. “The great efficiencies that are created with these ITS systems fits our mission of improving livelihoods and adds to our broader smart and safe city solutions. Additionally, we feel the capabilities of the Acyclica team in data analytics and software platforms is scalable across numerous other FLIR businesses.” 

The Acyclica business will be part of FLIR’s ITS division within FLIR’s Commercial Business Unit. FLIR anticipates this transaction to be neutral to 2018 net earnings. 

About FLIR Systems 

Founded in 1978 and headquartered in Wilsonville, Oregon, FLIR Systems is a world-leading maker of sensor systems that enhance perception and heighten awareness, helping to save lives, improve productivity, and protect the environment. Through its nearly 3,500 employees, FLIR’s vision is to be “The World’s Sixth Sense” by leveraging thermal imaging and adjacent technologies to provide innovative, intelligent solutions for security and surveillance, environmental and condition monitoring, outdoor recreation, machine vision, navigation, and advanced threat detection. 


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