기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-10-06 12:27:26

We're officially top-notch! SpaceSwap’s smart contract has been already audited by Lianantech, part of the Beosin company

SpaceSwap is a unique aggregator that unites all the major DeFi protocols in a one-stop-station. The project changes the principles of yield farming as it stands, now bringing you earnings from all the DeFi protocols simultaneously.

To date, SpaceSwap has implemented 2 native tokens (SHAKE and MILK2) which have shown a stable price rise during the last 2 weeks.

The Lianatech company has officially approved that the SpaceSwap smart contract is able to function properly.

This is a huge achievement for the SpaceSwap team and a booster of all other improvements that are about to happen within the platform’s ecosystem.

The qualified audit was the next step after refining the tokenomics model and fixing some bugs on the platform.

During the launch of SpaceSwap 2.0, the team negotiated a smart contract audit with Lianantech, which is a part of the Beosin company - one of the leading Blockchain security companies in China.

Full Press Release:


ⓒ 4차산업혁명의 중심기술 블록체인밸리(Blockchain Valley), 블록타임스TV


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