기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-10-05 17:44:32

OKEx Launched $15000 [Rs.1 Crore] Worth campaigns to Indian Crypto Community in 3 months

It wasn’t a long time ago when the Indian Govt. banned cryptocurrency in the early year of 2018. However, it was until recently, just a few months ago, in March 2020, the Supreme Court of India overruled the ban on cryptocurrency and opened the Indian economy for cryptocurrency trading.

According to one of the largest & oldest crypto exchanges in the world, OKEx, after the crypto ban reversal in India, there has been a staggering 545% increase in the number of visitors on their website from India. According to OKEx, they have observed a whopping 4100% in the number of newly registered Indian users.

And after looking at such great excitement from the Indian audience, OKEx, on 5th August 2020, launched its P2P (Peer-to-Peer) Crypto Platform in India where traders can now buy and sell cryptocurrencies using their Indian Rupee (INR) via Bank Transfer & UPI payments.

India is a country of 135 million people out of which only 1.7 million people have been dealing in cryptocurrency. OKEx has vouched to increase crypto awareness in India and therefore it has been continuously launching a number of crypto campaigns specifically tailored for its Indian audience.

"Here at OKEx, we want to complete the crypto trading ecosystem in India by connecting Indian users to the international trading markets." - Jay Hao, CEO of OKEx

Distributed Over $15000 (Rs.1Crore) As of Today 

So far, OKEx has distributed more $150,000 (Rs. 1 Crore) amongst its Indian audience ever since it has entered in the Indian market. It has launched more than 5 crypto campaigns in the last 2 months which has been more like a treat for all Indian audiences.

OKEx, in the past 1 month has entered the Indian crypto market with all guns blazing by launching big campaigns like The DeFi Raffle Draw, Free Lend For All & Big Fat Crypto India Feast, making their intent clear that India is not the country they wanna miss out on.

Just by having a blunt look at the OKEx India past campaigns, one can easily figure out that the crypto exchange is looking forward to awarding every single Indian user and encouraging them to be part of the Indian crypto community.

With great DeFi projects being regularly listed on the exchange, OKEx has made a sweet spot in the hearts of Indian traders who are now migrating and in-turn hedging their funds from the stock market to the crypto market for much greater profits.

The NEXT - OKEx India’s Crypto Monsoon Season for Indians With Its Price Pool of $50000

OKEx has recently launched its OKEx India Month Crypto Monsoon Season which is again, a free money opportunity for all its Indian audiences.

With its prize pool of $50,000, it has got many Indians on their toes. You can still join the campaign and claim your winning prize and be part of its crypto community. All you need to do is simply click here and register for the campaign.

Users can participate in OKEx Crypto Monsoon & Win $50,000 by visiting this link http://bit.ly/BigPrizeOKEx 

Original Release - https://bit2buzz.com/community/OKEx-Launched-15000-Worth-campaigns-to-Indian-Crypto-Community-in-3-months-Whats-Next 

ⓒ 4차산업혁명의 중심기술 블록체인밸리(Blockchain Valley), 블록타임스TV


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